Hobby Systems

Our company provides services on Hobby and Decorative Aquaponic Systems along with commercial Aquaponic projects.
It is used in hobby systems, workplaces, educational fields, hotels, garden and home environments.
Aquaponic Hobby systems are specially designed according to the fields to be applied.
In our Aquaponic Hobby projects, consultancy, design, production, installation and training services are provided.
Aquaponic systems utilize a variety of freshwater fish. Fish species should be selected according to the project information.
Both edible fish and ornamental fish are suitable in order to be used in Aquaponics.
Koi fish, for instance, is one of the most suitable species for Aquaponics. They have a wide variety of colors and the ability to adapt to different water temperatures. Therefore, its optimal temperature is the same as for plants.
Plants that are both edible and ornamental can be utilized as plant varieties in an aquaponic system. In an aquaponic system, all the plants produced in hydroponic farming can be grown.
Aquaponic systems utilize a variety of freshwater fish. Fish species should be selected according to the project information.
Both edible fish and ornamental fish are suitable in order to be used in Aquaponics.
Koi fish, for instance, is one of the most suitable species for Aquaponics. They have a wide variety of colors and the ability to adapt to different water temperatures. Therefore, its optimal temperature is the same as for plants.
Plants that are both edible and ornamental can be utilized as plant varieties in an aquaponic system. In an aquaponic system, all the plants produced in hydroponic farming can be grown.

There are different units for growing plants as shown in the picture. These units are selected according to the project information.

In our Atlas Aquaponics company, two hobby units, HOME PONIK and GARDEN PONIK, are produced with patents.

HOME PONIK is designed for indoor areas such as Homes and Offices, and GARDEN PONIK is designed for outdoors.