Plant Capacity: 3000 Pieces/Year Lettuce Types
Greenhouse Area: 200 m2
Fish Capacity: 280 Kg/Year Trout and Salmon
Plant Capacity: 48,000 Pieces/Year Lettuce Types + Tomatoes
Fish Capacity: 2,000 Kg/Year Sturgeon And Carp Species
Greenhouse Area: 576 m2
Plant Capacity: 2 Garden Ponic Plant Units – 10 Oxypot
Fish Capacity: 1500 liter Garden Ponic Fish Tank
Greenhouse Area: 36 m2
Plant Capacity: 2,080 Root Lettuce Species + Tomato, Pepper Etc. Fruiting Plants
Fish Capacity: 300 Kg/Year Carp Species
Plant Capacity: 1.8 Million Pieces/Year Lettuce Species
Fish Production Capacity: 70 Tons/Year Tilapia
Greenhouse Area: 10,000 m2
Plant Capacity: 400 Thousand Pieces/Year Lettuce
Fish Capacity: 50 Ton/Year Tilapia – 500 Thousand/Year Freshwater Ornamental Fish
Greenhouse Area: 1000 m2
Plant Capacity: 1,100 Roots
Fish Capacity: 200 Kg/Year Sturgeon, Carp Species and Koi
Greenhouse Area: 80 m2
Plant Capacity: 500 Tons/Year Lettuce-Tomato
Fish Capacity: 60 Tons/Year Carp
Greenhouse Area: 20,000 m2